"I felt fortunate to be placed in such company with so much experience, knowledge, skills and know-how. The school motto "Knowledge, equals power, equals freedom" is spot on."

-Richel H., Alumni, Public Yelp Review



Course Overview: WIld Plant Identification & Uses

Plant knowledge is not just great for wilderness survival, but will enhance your daily life as well. Nature takes on a whole new aspect once you understand the uses of the vegetation in your environment. Learn to identify, harvest, and process wild plants for food, medicine, and utility purposes.

During this hands on course you will:

*Learn to harvest and "cure" wild herbs aka "wildcrafting"

*Learn to identify wild useful plants that can be found around the globe

*Learn to make cordage(string/rope), fire tinder, healing poultices, and more from wild plants

*Identify and taste wild edible plants

*Identify wild medicinal plants

*Learn plants that are useful in a survival situation

*And much more!

Sore joints or muscles? Recent injury? Pre order our “Hit Wine” Liniment! Very limited supplies available.





$105 per person

2025 Schedule

Click Here To Register

April 26

june 21

August 30

Click a date to register. Upon booking you will automatically receive a receipt. This receipt contains a link to download all of your course attendance info, including gear requirements, driving directions, and more.


Iron Horse Trailhead

25311 Magic Mountain Parkway

Santa Clarita, Ca

What To Bring

*Close-toed shoes for walking through sand and off trail, no sandals.



*Something to take notes with is recommended

*Lunch/Snacks for the day if desired

*You may wish to bring a camera or a phone with a camera