Since 2008
Celebrating 15 years of world class instruction
21 Unique courses. Over 500 students trained per year.
“Your expert delivery of lifesaving information will undoubtedly benefit VX-31 and staff for years to come. Again, accept my personal thanks for a job well done.
We are here to get you ready for the real thing; to train you to act as your own first responder. Our methods are not based on what you'll find in the same old survival manuals or YouTube videos. They’re based on national training standards and real world experience.
Though we do not take a military style approach; every branch of the United States Military has chosen us for training. We hope you and your family-yes we have training for all ages and skill levels-chooses us as well.
OUR Locations
We now have locations across California, from Palo Alto to ORANGE COUNTY. Our Alaska courses take place outside of Anchorage. Each course we offer has a dedicated webpage with all pertinent course info, including exact location.
*Angelus Oaks (Southern Ca, San Bernardino National Forest)
*Silverado, Ca (Orange County)
*Santa Ana, Ca (Urban Disaster Training)
*Loma Mar, Ca (SF Bay/Palo Alto Area/In the redwood forest)
Formerly known as Survival Training School of California. Same ownership/leadership; simply a rebranding to avoid consumer confusion. Our name was often imitated by other schools and in ad campaigns. We are leaders in our field and set the standard others follow.
US Marine Corps: Mountain Warfare Training Center Survival & Sniper Instructors
US Navy: Helicopter Rescue, EOD/Special Warfare
US Air Force: EOD, general staff
United States Department of Defense
The California Department of Justice
History Channel
Discovery Channel
Craftsman Tools
The Desert Institute @ Joshua Tree National Park
Ford Motors
United States Army: Aviation
The California State Guard
The Southwest Research Institute
LAPD (Los Angeles Police Dept.)
Palm Springs PD
Women In The Outdoors ("WITO" is America's largest women's outdoor organization)
Stanford University Vaden Mental Health Services
Los Angeles County Sheriff
and we hope you are next!
Regal Cinemas (Regal Entertainment Group)
TCSS QUalified Instructor List
experience, training, and qualifications
Instructor/Founder: Thomas Coyne
*Former Firefighting Helicopter Crew Member (HELITACK) *EMT *Helicopter Hoist Rescue Team Member *Helicopter Rappeller *Search & Rescue Technician *Fire Crew Squad Leader *Confined Space Rescue *Techinical Ropes Rescue *Swift Water Rescue Technician *HAZMAT Operations *Dunker trained (emergency aircraft underwater egress) *Member of the helicopter rescue team for the first civilian space shuttle launches (X Prize Launches, 2003) *Trained in the ICS & NIMS Disaster Management Systems *Has provided training to; US Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Center Instructors, US Navy Helicopter Search & Rescue & Special Warfare, US Air Force Special Operations, US Army Aviation, The US Dept of Defense, The California Department of Justice, and many more.
Instructor: Adam Mayfield
Certified Instructor of Wilderness First Aid, Basic First Aid, CPR/AED, Bloodborne Pathogens, Emergency Oxygen Administration, Child and Babysitting Safety, as well as Pediatric CPR, AED and First Aid through the American Safety & Health Institute and the American Red Cross, with years of field experience treating outdoor emergencies. Adam Mayfield, can fit over 20 years of experience into a space the size of a molle pouch and thrive across nearly any terrain, through the back country wilderness of nearly every major river and mountain range in the western US, including Alaska.
Adam’s dedication to self sufficiency in the natural world began at age fifteen, the same year he became an Eagle Scout. Adam is a longtime alum and associate of Boulder Outdoor Survival School, one of the oldest survival schools in the world, where he taught Bushcraft, primitive technology, and traditional living skills.
Adam volunteers in service to the New Earth Organization, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit dedicated to helping formerly incarcerated youth successfully re-entering their communities. As a counselor for their Beyond Boundaries program, he leads youths on outdoor expeditions with an emphasis on personal identity discovery including backpacking, mountain climbing and white water rafting.
Lead Instructor: Justin Garfield
*US Marine Corps Veteran *US Coast Guard Auxillery Veteran *EMT *Physical Security Specialist *Justin has served as a combat lifesaver program (battlefield first aid) instructor to the "Peshmerga" Kurds of northern Iraq, and has trained soldiers and law enforcement from around the globe *Justin has trained extensively with Ed Calderon of the legendary "Ed's Manifesto" in counter custody and anti-terrorism techniques.
Firearms Instructor/Partner: Daniel Valencia
*20 years of active duty U.S. Navy service, including special operations *Served OCONUS while deployed and operated as NSW Armorer, firearms Instructor, weapons technician, and combat support personnel *Participated in the training of Foreign Nationals as well as administered logistics, convoy operations, and joint special missions *Designated as Range Safety Officer by the Commanding Officer Seal Team One, responsible for the safety of all personnel on the range *Served two exercises in S. Korea with Seal Team 17*Served as a member of ships boarding teams and as a weapons instructor. Performed maritime interdiction on non-compliant boarding. V.B.S.S. team (Visit Board Search and Seizure), dealing with modern day piracy, people tracking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking *Served on the US Navy Destroyer U.S.S. Stout DDG55 *Completed deployment to the Middle East with Seal Team One and Seal Team Three, and supported six special missions.
Firearms Instructor: Richard Kuan
Master’s degree in Leadership and Organizational Studies. Chief Firearms Instructor at Azone Defense LLC, based in Southern California. Richard shoots competitively in USPSA and IDPA 3-gun shooting matches. In 2019 he became a certified firearms instructor for pistol, rifle, and shotgun. Richard is credentialed by NRA, USCCA, CRPA, and CA-DOJ, and has earned the prestigious Winchester Pro-Marksmanship Qualification as "Distinguished Expert" and is a Surviving Mann Season 2 Competitor.
Lead Instructor: Carl Eather
*Professional Lead Ship's Engineer *Mountaineering Instructor *TCSS Survival Expedition Alumni *TCSS Field Instructor Program Graduate *Mountaineering Guide *TCSS Alaska Field & Skills Course Graduate & Instructor *International outdoor adventurer who has spent decades exploring the world's most remote outdoor destinations.
Combatives/MMA Instructor & Partner: Adam Lynn
Adam Lynn is a professional MMA coach and gym owner, former professional MMA fighter, and Marine Corps Veteran. While in the Marine Corps, Adam became certified as a MCMAP Instructor(Marine Corps Martial Arts Program), and was tasked with teaching some of the deadliest soldiers in the world close quarters/hand to hand combat. Adam is a Brazilian jiujitsu black belt, has been a pro MMA fighter, and has trained at the legendary Jackson/Winklejon Fight Gym- home of some of MMA’s most well known champions. Adam is now a professional MMA coach, and runs full fight camps at his Orange County gym SubFighter MMA.
Primitive Skills & Stone Knapping Instructor: Gary Pickett
Gary Pickett is a nationally respected stone tool maker (knapper) and has been teaching his craft for over 20 years. But what we really love about him is his heart of gold. In his daily life, he is a program coordinator for "New Advances For People With Disabilities" where he works with mentally handicapped youth. He has trained US Air Force, US Navy, & Department of Defense personnel on our courses, and has been with us since 2010.
Instructor Program Graduates:
Field Instructor: Rob Mullins (distinguished graduate)
Field Instructor: Kerry Varnes
Field Instructor: Larry Cooley
Field Instructor: Kaleb Cooley
Field Instructor: Charles Ciccarelli (distinguished graduate)
Field Instructor: Devon Melling
Skills Instructor: Al Quintero
Critical Skills Course Instructor: Anderson Hailey
Field Instructor: Giovanni Paolo
Wilderness First Aid Instructor: Jade Stone
Field Instructor: Adam Mayfield (distinguished graduate)
Field Instructor: Canaan DellaVechia
Field Instructor: Ajani Fida
Field Instructor: Alex Hjelviik