Train in the essentials of pistol, rifle, and shotgun use.


Pistol Fundamentals

This is a one day, 4 hour course. Course topics include: gun safety rules, proper operation of revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, ammunition knowledge and selection, pistol selection and storage, shooting fundamentals, pistol inspection and maintenance, marksmanship, and shooting range safety. Students will complete live fire training and a nationally standardized shooting qualification.

May 11, Aug 24

4 hour course. Please arrive 30 mins early on the morning of your course. 

Rifle Fundamentals

Modern Sporting Rifle (MSR) AR-15-style carbine rifle Skill Builder.

The primary focus of this course is learning and practicing the fundamentals of shooting, handling, and marksmanship of an AR-style platform. This course is taught by credentialed NRA and USCCA Instructors.

Students will start this course with outdoor classroom time that will cover firearm safety and topics such as parts of the AR-15, and conducting proper function checks.

While on the range, students will learn and apply topics such as proper stances, loading, and unloading techniques, shooting positions, sight alignment, sight picture, and trigger control while engaging targets from 7 yards to 50 yards under accuracy and time pressure.

Additional practical discussions will be covered including; selecting the proper sights, slings, optics, and accessories for your needs.

Prior to attending the course, your AR-15 rifle sights/optics must already be sighted in for either 25, 35, or 50 yards, as we won't have time to help to sight in each rifle for every student (50 yd sight-in is ideal).

August 25, Nov 10

4 hour course. Please arrive 30 mins early on the morning of your course. 

Shotgun Fundamentals

Home Defense Shotgun is an introductory tactical course for those wanting to use a Shotgun for Home Defense or build a foundation for competition event shooting.

The primary focus of this course is learning and practicing the fundamentals of shooting, handling, and marksmanship of using tactical-style shotguns.

Students will start this course with outdoor classroom time that will cover firearm safety and topics such as parts of the shotgun, and conducting proper function checks.

While on the range, students will learn and apply topics such as proper loading and unloading techniques, shooting positions, sight alignment, sight picture, and trigger control while engaging targets from 15 yards to 50 yards. Handle malfunctions. Experience speed with time pressure for accuracy along with rapid-fire while engaging multiple targets.

Additional practical discussions will be covered; Including selecting the proper sights, slings, optics, and accessories for your needs will be covered.

A California Compliant Shotgun;
Pump Action or Auto-Loading that can retain a minimum of 5 shells will be required.
All shotguns are required to have some form of stock to the shoulder (No Raptor-style grip/stocks).
Gauges 12 or 20 are ideal (28 or 16 gauge are okay)
Sights: Standard Bead Sights or Optic
Shotguns are to be cased and unloaded upon arrival
All firearms must be fully functional, have all factory-installed safety devices intact, and have no dangerous modifications (such as a “hair” trigger, removed trigger guard, etc.)

Ammo (lead):
75-100 rounds of birdshot (7-8 shot is ideal)
Shell pouches or carriers (saddle mounts, and bandoliers, in addition, are okay)
A sling attached to your shotgun is ideal
A recoil protective shoulder pad is optional but recommended
Note: Hinged shotguns such as Side-by-Side or Over-Under Barrels, Lever Action or Single Shot Shotguns are NOT for this course. AR-style shotguns are okay but may not accommodate some of the shooting drills properly.

June 8, Nov 9

4 hour course. Please arrive 30 mins early on the morning of your course. 

Your Instructor

These events are being run by our partner Richard Kuan. Richard holds a Master’s degree in Leadership and Organizational Studies. He is the Chief Firearms Instructor at Azone Defense LLC, based in Southern California.

Richard shoots competitively in USPSA and IDPA 3-gun shooting matches. In 2019 he became a certified firearms instructor for pistol, rifle, and shotgun. Richard is credentialed by NRA, USCCA, CRPA, and CA-DOJ, and has earned the prestigious Winchester Pro-Marksmanship Qualification as "Distinguished Expert".

From 2020 to the present, Richard actively pursued wilderness survival training and has partnered survival training skills with shooting sports, which led to him becoming a competitor on the TV series Surviving Mann Season 2. 

Azone Defense LLC specializes in Concealed Carry, Defensive Shooting Training, and Personal Home Protection. Azone Defense LLC requires each instructor to enrich their personal firearm training skills by attending over 100 hours each year of ongoing firearm and tactical skill development training. This brings forth different methodologies and incorporates additional knowledge along with hands-on experiences to incorporate into their classroom facilitation along with live-fire at the range so we can meet the current trends and needs of our customers.

VIP Membership

        Rates, Dates, & Gear



Each Course is $175

$145 for members

(10 student max)

Please be prepared to pay the additional $25 range fee, on site (cash only).

Firearm rental and ammo package can be added on at checkout for an additional $80 fee.

You must be 18 or older To Participate

2024 Schedule

Click The Dates To Register

Pistol: MAy 11 , Aug 24

Rifle: Aug 25, Nov 10

Shotgun: Jun 8 , Nov 9


Lytle Creek Firing Line

1905 Lytle Creek Rd, Lytle Creek, CA 92358 

The range is at the end of the paved road; Forestry Marker 3N06) about 11 miles from the freeway exit.

Time: 9am-2pm

What To Bring

  • A modern semi-auto, centerfire firearm. All firearms to be brought to the range shall be unloaded and cased. All firearms must be inspected by our range safety officer prior to use. Sorry, firearms must be California Compliant.

  • Non-steel core ammo (50-100 rounds) for your caliber of firearm. The range does not sell ammo or rent firearms.

  • A holster for your pistol. it must cover the trigger guard completely with some form of retention, so your handgun won’t fall out while in motion.

  • Safety Glasses or Sunglasses which are ANSI Z87.1 certified or greater.

  • Hearing protection: Electronic ear plugs and ear muffs can be purchased at many firearms stores, as well as, and are recommended. Ear plugs are allowed.

  • Sun Screen

  • Hat for face sun protection is highly recommended 

  • Water & Snack for yourself, bring enough water for 5 hrs in the sun standing and training