"Your abilities were instrumental in ensuring the delivery of technical and tactical information and its understanding to the Marines of the MWTC... "
-Commanding Officer, Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center, 2013
Course Overview:
Close quarters (indoor) firearms usage for home defense. This course is geared toward the needs of civilian homeowners protecting their loved ones, and the unique challenges they face. CQB was refined by- and is primarily taught to- law enforcement and military. We are brining the best of these techniques and modifying them for use in a civilian home defense setting; where friendly fire is not acceptable, there is no highly trained team by your side, you are unlikely to be wearing body armor, and it is likely to occur at night.
This isn’t about talk, we are about developing your capabilities. There will be force on force exercises throughout the training. We provide Glock brand airsoft/green gas pistols identical to their actual platforms (they even have recoil). We also provide face protection. This way, you get to fire at a moving and resisting target. There is no no need to bring a firearm, we will not be using “live” ammunition on this course, in order to keep it fully interactive.
This course is two, eight hour days- 9am-5pm. Overnight accommodations are not included. Eye protection is required.
Skill Sets Instructed
-systematic home searches. Methods of navigating hallways, navigating stairwells, entering rooms, and clearing rooms while handling a firearm. This includes footwork and target aquisition.
-Muzzle and trigger discipline in the home and emotional intensity. We run live shoot/no-shoot scenarios.
-Firearms, ammunition, light, and optics selection for use in home environments.
-Methods of reloading quickly
-Using cover and concealment in a home environment
-The legal implications of using a firearm for self-defense
-Providing cover and evacuation for unarmed family members including children.
Our Civilian CQB Course In Action.
Rates, Dates, & Gear
($375 for V.I.P. members)
You must be 21 or older To Participate
2024 Schedule
Click a date to register. Upon booking you will automatically receive a receipt. This receipt contains a link download all of your course attendance info, including gear requirements, driving directions, and more.