We took our EOD unit out to Thomas Coyne for a week of training.  The intent was to perfect our ability to operate in cross-climate field conditions...Thomas is the best - his level of knowledge on all things survival is unparalleled.  There's a reason we went to him, why the Marines go to him, why Navy SPECWAR goes to him, etc. He is a consummate professional... and taught us skills that will surely serve our troops well in the challenges that await them.  Thanks Thomas!

D. Myatt, Captain, United States Air Force Explosive Ordinance Disposal, 7 Day X Climate Alumni



Course Overview:

This course has been used by U.S. Air Force Special Operations, U.S. Navy Special Operations, and The Department of Defense to prepare soldiers for global deployment.

Come spend seven days of full immersion training with us in mountain and desert environments. You will train hands on as you learn the skills most essential for survival in any conditions. You will receive a total survival system based on; universal application, sound scientific principles, critical thinking, and hands on training that you may apply anywhere in the world. Ever want to be one of those people that can do anything with a pocket knife? Then this course is for you... 

This course includes a nationally accepted Wilderness First Aid certification, and course completion certificate. 

*The following is an example of the training days you will partake in. They can be done in any order according to conditions on the ground. As there are a wide variety of skills presented, some course days will be led by specialized experts others than Thomas, though he will be a presence on all 7 Day X Climate courses.

We will return to our base camp every evening so you will not be carrying your sleeping gear everywhere, this is why only a daypack is recommend. Our outdoor forest camp has showers an a place to store gear.

Day 1: San Bernadino Mountains. After an introduction to our training and a safety briefing, we'll spend the day training in the mountains surrounded by big ponderosa pines and cool mountain air. You'll also build a shelter yourself. On this day we will cover the essentials of survival in mountain environments. Learn wild plants native to these environments, which areas in the mountains are the most productive for humans, mountain shelter construction, how this environment will dictate your priorities and needs, and more.

Day 2: Field gathering and more. Explore the local area and learn to identify and harvest wild plants for food medicine, and utility purposes. Harvest materials for your first traps, weapons, and friction fire kits. We reinforce the essentials of survival, and train hard in wilderness first aid. Return to the outdoor training center for the evening.

Day 3: The Desert. Spend the day learning the high science of desert survival. We will cover; the principles of locating water in arid environments, gathering plant transpiration where there is no surface water (performed hands-on), using solar evaporation stills (performed hands-on), as well as digging for water. We will also address; what type of clothing to wear in extreme desert environments, readiness, and how to hike in extreme heat. Of course, you will also identify and process wild desert plants. We spend the night under the stars on this night.

Day 4: Wilderness First Aid. We'll spend the day training in wilderness first aid and take our exam at the end. Wilderness first aid is based on extended care in the field and improvisation, which means it is much more advanced than standard first aid. Closing and packing wounds, setting joints, splinting, and much more are covered, sometimes improvised with wild/natural materials and even camping gear. This is very hands on and scenario based.

Day 5: Trapping and primitive skills. Learn to primitive trapping methods such as deadfalls, snares, throwing clubs, and box traps. We'll also cover such primitive skills as foraging and tool making

Day 6: Map and compass (field orienteering). Spend the morning learning to use a topographic map and compass. Learn to: adjust declination, shoot a bearing with a compass, triangulate your position, and to plot your route; all while actually navigating off trail in the field. This day will also cover an emergency signaling exercise.

Day 7: Train and review the skills you've learned over the past 6 days as well as acquire in a new skill; stone knapping. You will train with world class stone knapper Gary Pickett and learn to form sharp points and razor like edges out of stone. Go caveman.




$1450 Individual  

2025 Schedule

Click Here To Register

May 24 - 30


Upon booking you will automatically receive a receipt. This receipt contains a link to download all of your course attendance info, including gear requirements, driving directions, and more.




41954 Jenks Lake Rd W, 

Angelus Oaks, Ca 92305


Gear to Bring

Check Out Our Gear Page For Tips

*You receive a free course knife for attending. No knife needed to attend.

*We provide all meals, though you are free to bring snacks. If you have special dietary concerns please contact us.
*Day Pack (Backpack)

 *Tent/Sleeping Bag/Sleeping Mat

 *Headlamp or flashlight

*Water Bottle 

*Work Gloves

*Compass with “geared/adjustable” declination. Suunto or Brunton Global models are recommended

*White sun shirt and sun hat for the desert portion

*Bring rugged footwear and pants for the training periods

*Anything else is up to you, consider what you like to bring on camping trips. cameras and notebooks are highly recommended.

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